Friday, July 29, 2011

Saving Money on Utilities

Utility companies have the power to surprise, to consume a large amount of cash flow each month. Electricity and gas, water and telephone service, here are several ways you can reduce your utility costs.


We all know that turning off lights and unplug electrical devices used to reduce electricity consumption. (Many if not most appliances that use energy if they are connected, even if they are on.) But I do not know is that there are other, perhaps more effective ways to save on electricity.

To save hundreds of dollars per year on electricity, make sure you buy any new appliance, air conditioners and especially furnaces, are energy efficiency. Information about the energy efficiency of appliances found in the Energy Guide Labels required by federal law.

If you have the connections to do this, use a gas dryer instead of an electric motor. They are slightly more expensive at first, but the money saved in energy costs alone add up quickly.

Keep your appliances clean, refined (if necessary), and working properly also reduces the amount of energy they use. Vacuum the refrigerator coils once in a while and see how much less cycles on and off refrigerator.

Some utilities offer programs outside the cargo handling in and out of hours change programs. Enrollment in one can save up to $ 100 a year in electricity costs. Call your utility company for information on these programs cost savings.

Home Heating

First, an energy audit at home can identify ways to save hundreds of dollars a year in heating (air conditioning). Ask your electric or gas company if you can do this audit for free or at a reasonable cost. If you can not ask for a referral to a qualified professional.

Keep your furnace clean and tuned for maximum heating efficiency. Replace the filter (s) every 3 months during peak use. The same goes for the air conditioner or swamp cooler. The dirtiest these devices are, the more energy they need to function.

If you have an electric oven, they know it's probably much more expensive to operate and much less efficient than a gas one. Buy the most efficient model you can afford. Making this change alone can save you much money.

Finally, test the insulation of your roof, if that's possible. Add extra insulation can help stop heat loss and reduce your heating bill.


Some areas of the country need not be as concerned as others about the preservation of this natural resource. If water conservation is important in your area, there are several steps you can take to help reduce your water bill.

Most water loss actually occurs outside the home. Most people on the water without realizing its plants, trees, flowers and shrubs. Check levels of irrigation with a simple rain gauge. Even more important, not water outside in the heat of the sun. Most of it evaporates and is paying for it! Irrigation in the early morning is best, or at night if it is not possible. Repair or replace leaky hoses, too.

Around the house fix leaky faucets, toilets, running, etc. You could be losing hundreds of gallons of water each day. You can also take shorter showers, and remember to turn off the tap while shaving or brushing teeth. These small changes really add up over time.

Local Phone Service

Check with your phone company to see if a flat rate or measured service plan will save you more money. If you're not home most of the day and / or use your cell phone a lot, you may be paying for the service at home more than necessary.

Check your phone bill to see if you have optional services that you do not really need or use. Each option you drop could save you $ 40 or more each year. If you like and need all these options, see if your provider offers a package of economic decline.

Finally, in general, you will save much money by buying a phone instead of lease to the telephone company.

Long Distance Phone Service

The price of staying connected through the miles certainly has reduced the flood of increased competition for long distance telephone service. It pays to shop around for the best deal, the comparison does not just pennies per minute, but connection fees or call rates, membership fees, reimbursement dropped calls, etc.

If you make more than a few long distance calls each month, consider subscribing to a calling plan. Usually, long-distance calls made during evenings, at night or on weekends can cost much less than the calls Monday through Friday, but some plans offer the same speed at any time, any day. Everything depends on the company and the program you choose.

Whenever possible, make long distance calls directly. Using the operator to complete a call can cost you an extra $ 6.

It is possible with a little forethought and planning to save money on utilities. Can really be surprised by the amount of difference it can make in reducing your monthly expenses.

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